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Sun Oct 28, 7:30 PM
Rangadhara The Theatre Streams
Jaag is a portrayal of woman who is mother ,wife, and worker in a garment factory. In this globalised world we say we have free economy. yes men and women work together but is it sufficient to call it equality ?Does she gets the freedom in real sense?No ,even today she is loaded with work in her house and in the factory where she works. She looks after her house , her baby ,her husband and goes to work and her husband is least bothered he enjoys watching TV ,long sleeps ,he is not even aware of it. All these every day hectic activities lead to a confused ,forgetful ,and absent minded woman.
Apparently comedy but realistic comment on middle class working woman ,beautifully sketched by Nobal Prize Winner Playwright, Actor, Director Dario Fo ,equally good adapted in Indian atmosphere by Maya Pandit.