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Honk, Please!
Sun Apr 2, 2:00 PM
Zhi Zhi Chia
The first time we rode an auto, we gripped the handle. We held on to our friends. The thrill of the drives mixed with the fear for our lives. But the fear soon turned as visceral as a passing breeze. Distances in the city narrowed on the map with a moving green and yellow square. Distances between us closed with a ride. We move in the city. We move with autos.

"Honk, Please!" Remind me of how I first felt. How I still feel.


"Honk, Please!" is Napkins’ second interactive art exhibition where visitors are still the creators and curators. Napkins is an art and literary organization at Minerva University—a traveling university. Artists, writers, poets, students, working adults, retirees—whether making something creative is your first time or part of your everyday routine—come together to this space. At "Honk, Please!", visitors will experience different creative spaces centered around the theme of autorickshaws. All spaces involve participants creating something, anything—with words or pictures, verbal or non-verbal. Every creation will be curated into final installations whose forms will only be determined as the creation occurs.