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Round and Round and Round, a play based on Nirmal Verma’s Dedh Inch Upar, is
an old man's experience of being oppressed by the State and the Society. How he
underwent oppression and what is his confession on a session of drinks in the bar
forms the plot of the play.
Undoubtedly, he is the last customer in that bar. But to know when he actually leaves
the bar, you have to watch Round & Round & Round.
So, join him over the drinks to catch the old man in round and round action.
Sun Jun 11, 8:00 PM
Sifar Theatre
Round and Round and Round, a play based on Nirmal Verma’s Dedh Inch Upar, is
an old man's experience of being oppressed by the State and the Society. How he
underwent oppression and what is his confession on a session of drinks in the bar
forms the plot of the play.
Undoubtedly, he is the last customer in that bar. But to know when he actually leaves
the bar, you have to watch Round & Round & Round.
So, join him over the drinks to catch the old man in round and round action.