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Untold Histories of Hyderabad
Tue Jan 9, 6:30 PM
Untold Histories of Hyderabad: A comprehensive look at Operation Polo - A Workshop
We at Lamakaan are kicking off a series “Untold Histories of Hyderabad''. There cannot be a greater social tragedy than people of a region having been denied their histories. We intend to provide a platform where these untold stories are shared and exchanged with authors, academicians, scholars, students independent researchers, etc, to produce an archive, an accurate knowledge system, that the current and future generations can access.
The first workshop session is intended to demystify the merger of Hyderabad State into the Indian Union in Sep 1948 under the military project “Operation Polo” popularly known as “Police Action”. In-person attendance will be Prof. Afsar Mohammed, University of Pennsylvania, and the author of the recently published book “Remaking History: 1948 Police Action and the Muslims of Hyderabad”.
We at Lamakaan are kicking off a series “Untold Histories of Hyderabad''. There cannot be a greater social tragedy than people of a region having been denied their histories. We intend to provide a platform where these untold stories are shared and exchanged with authors, academicians, scholars, students independent researchers, etc, to produce an archive, an accurate knowledge system, that the current and future generations can access.
The first workshop session is intended to demystify the merger of Hyderabad State into the Indian Union in Sep 1948 under the military project “Operation Polo” popularly known as “Police Action”. In-person attendance will be Prof. Afsar Mohammed, University of Pennsylvania, and the author of the recently published book “Remaking History: 1948 Police Action and the Muslims of Hyderabad”.