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Tajmahal ka tender
Sat Dec 14, 8:00 PM
Darpan Theatre
About the play:
TajMahalkaTenderpresentsEmperorShahJahaninthe21stcentury,mourningtheloss of his wife Mumtaz. As he plans to construct the Taj Mahal in the memory of his beloved wife, he is caught up in the modern world of red tape,bribes and corruption. The plot
compels the audience to imagine a world where the iconic symbol of love becomes entangled in endless paperwork, budgets and greedy contractors. The play depicts how it wouldseemiftheemperorhimselffacedthetediouslyslowprocessesoftenders,bribesand approvalsfortheconstruction.Throughthehelpof‘Guptaji’thegovernmentofficialwho takes the tender to build the Taj Mahal the intensity of the plot escalates. The humorous
satire offers a view into the loopholes and tribulations of the Indian bureaucracy and absurd political processes. Taj Mahal ka Tender Serves as a mirror of the farcical modern society where even a grand historical monument like Taj Mahal undergoes Governmental procedures and political intervention. Through skillful usage of wit, paradox and irony, Shuklahighlightsthechallengesofpreservingthenation’sculturalandhistoricalheritage. The play brings to life a modern twist to the timeless tale of love and ambition while subtly critiquingthemodernIndiansocietywhichridiculesnationalheritagewithcorruptionand inefficiency.
TajMahal,theemblemofeternalloveandarchitecturalmagnificencestrugglestogetthe tender approval in the modern Indian bureaucracy. Will Shahjahan be able to pay a
tributeto his loveor will heplunge into theinefficient system ofthe present society?
WrittenbyAjayShukla Directed by Ali Ahmed
Date:14thDecember2024 Time: 8 PM Onwards
Pleasejoinustowitnessavisualdelightwrappedincomedy.Indulgeyourselvesina spectacularblendofhistory,humourandheritage.Comeforthehumor,stayforthe
message.Secureyourseatstodayonbookmyshow–becausewhenhistorymeetshumour, it’s a show to remember!
TajMahalkaTenderpresentsEmperorShahJahaninthe21stcentury,mourningtheloss of his wife Mumtaz. As he plans to construct the Taj Mahal in the memory of his beloved wife, he is caught up in the modern world of red tape,bribes and corruption. The plot
compels the audience to imagine a world where the iconic symbol of love becomes entangled in endless paperwork, budgets and greedy contractors. The play depicts how it wouldseemiftheemperorhimselffacedthetediouslyslowprocessesoftenders,bribesand approvalsfortheconstruction.Throughthehelpof‘Guptaji’thegovernmentofficialwho takes the tender to build the Taj Mahal the intensity of the plot escalates. The humorous
satire offers a view into the loopholes and tribulations of the Indian bureaucracy and absurd political processes. Taj Mahal ka Tender Serves as a mirror of the farcical modern society where even a grand historical monument like Taj Mahal undergoes Governmental procedures and political intervention. Through skillful usage of wit, paradox and irony, Shuklahighlightsthechallengesofpreservingthenation’sculturalandhistoricalheritage. The play brings to life a modern twist to the timeless tale of love and ambition while subtly critiquingthemodernIndiansocietywhichridiculesnationalheritagewithcorruptionand inefficiency.
TajMahal,theemblemofeternalloveandarchitecturalmagnificencestrugglestogetthe tender approval in the modern Indian bureaucracy. Will Shahjahan be able to pay a
tributeto his loveor will heplunge into theinefficient system ofthe present society?
WrittenbyAjayShukla Directed by Ali Ahmed
Date:14thDecember2024 Time: 8 PM Onwards
Pleasejoinustowitnessavisualdelightwrappedincomedy.Indulgeyourselvesina spectacularblendofhistory,humourandheritage.Comeforthehumor,stayforthe
message.Secureyourseatstodayonbookmyshow–becausewhenhistorymeetshumour, it’s a show to remember!