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Gond Workshop with Trishna
Fri Apr 11, 4:30 PM
Trishna Patnaik
Gond Art Workshop with Trishna Patnaik

India has a rich tradition of folk arts. The custodians of which are the many tribes that live in the interiors of various states. The Gonds, are the largest Adivasi Community in India and are Dravidian's whose origin can be traced to the pre-Aryan era. They are mainly found in Madhya Pradesh and its surrounding States. The word Gond comes from the Dravidian expression kond , meaning green mountain . In the Gond belief system, besides Bara Deo (Great God), every hill, river, lake, tree, and rock is inhabited by a spirit and therefore sacred. Gond paintings are fascinating, where the artists express their faiths and beliefs, world view, their visual expression and sense of identity, both as a collective, and as individuals. The motifs are further associated with the rich repertoire of the community and strongly show the interactions with the cosmic, natural and social worlds of humans at multiple levels and contexts. Participate in the Gond Painting Workshop, get a chance to appreciate the art form and create you very own Gond Art masterpiece on cartridge sheets with acrylic colours.

Date: 11th April, 2025 (Friday)
Timings: 5 to 7 pm
Age Group: Teens and Adults
Fees: 950 INR per person including Art Material

Venue:Lamakaan, Hyderabad

Takeaway: One Complete Painting (A3 size)

For registrations please contact Trishna Patnaik on 9867982075.

Registrations will be on a first come first serve basis.