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Freelance Trainers Meetup
Sun Mar 23, 1:30 PM
Vishal Shah
We're excited to invite you to the Hyderabad Freelance Trainers Meetup, a unique platform for freelance trainers like you to share challenges, exchange ideas, and find solutions.

Meetup Objectives:
- Share your experiences and challenges as a freelance trainer
- Learn from others and gain new insights
- Discuss ways to mitigate common problems faced by freelance trainers
- Explore resources and support systems for freelance trainers

Panel Discussion Topics:
- Non-payments and delayed payments: strategies for recovery and prevention
- Legal aid for freelance trainers: understanding your rights and options
- Financial aid in medical emergencies: resources and support systems

- Connect with fellow freelance trainers and build a supportive community
- Gain practical tips and strategies for overcoming common challenges
- Access resources and support systems for freelance trainers
- Contribute to the growth and development of the freelance training community