Mukti 1937 Bengali FilmScreening

Mukti 1937 Bengali FilmScreening
2.5 hrs

May 18, 2019 7:00 pm Saturday


Mukti 1937 Bengali film screening with English subtitles Country: Indian; Year: 1937; Language: Bengali; Runtime: 115 min; Color: Black and White; Sound: Mono Studio: New Theatres

Barua’s classic adultery story tells of an artist, Prasanta (Barua) presented in the stereotypically romantic image dedicated to his vocation, paying no heed to his scandalous reputation (he paints nude models) and with a cavalier attitude to his conservative father-in-law’s (Choudhury) demands for good social behaviour. He is married to the rich Chitra (Kanan Devi). The couple are in love but neither partner is prepared to compromise their ideals. The marriage falls apart. Prasanta concedes his wife demand for a divorce and goes to the jungles of Assam, where for many years his closest associates are a wild elephant and Jharna (Menaka), the wife of an innkeeper named Pahari (P. Mullick). He also makes a sworn enemy of a local trader (Nawab/A. Mullick). Chitra marries the millionaire Bipul (Mukherjee) and they go on an elephant hunt. They kill Prasanta’s pet elephant. Since Chitra believes Prasanta to be dead he avoids meeting her, but he is forced to rescue her from the vilainous trader. Prasanta succeeds but dies at Chitra’s feet. The film interprets his death as Chitra’s final achievement of the freedom she had craved. Barua contrasts the regressive story presented as static and unresolved, both as narrative and performance, with a hyperactive environment that overwhelms the trivial nature of the lead couples’ desires. There are many sequence shots tracking through walls – including the justly celebrated ‘psychological’ opening shot as Prasanta walks through one door after another until he reaches his studio, and from interior to exterior, while nature is exemplified by mountains, trees, wind and charging elephants. This was one of the first elaborate filmic uses of Tagore’s lyrics, with the poet’s original tunes (Sahar range rang, Mesa te bobe. Tar biday belar malakhani), but one of the film’s big hits, Diner sheshe ghumer deshe, was composed originally for the film by Mullick.

The film will be introduced by Aparajita Roy Sinha, Film Critique



Lamakaan is an open cultural space in Hyderabad which organizes events on socio-economic, political, sports, games, music, art, paintings, movies.


2.0 hrs

May 16, 2019 5:00 pm Thursday


-An interactive talk with

Dr. Shamsul Islam taught Political Science for 40 years in the Delhi University. He has written over 14 books, and over 700 articles in dailies and journals both in India and abroad on issues like theocracy, religious intolerance, fundamentalism, status of Dalits, women, and culture, theatre, human values, human rights, exploitation etc. He is visiting Hyderabad, and would like to share his thoughts with interested people and answer questions.

Lamakaan An Open Cultural Space

Lamakaan an open cultural space.

Dramma by Manch Theatre

Dramma by Manch Theatre
1.5 hrs

May 12, 2019 7:30 pm Sunday


Manch Theatre is performing Two Hindi Play. 1st Play – Dhoka(genre-suspense), Duration- 40 mins, written and Directed by Priyadarsani Suranjika Samal 2nd Play – Kirayedaar( genre -comedy), Duration- 30 mins (Based on a Bengali Play written by Narayan Ganguly ) Hindi Translation and Directed by -Subrata Basak

Topi Ki Dastaan

Topi Ki Dastaan
1.5 hrs

May 11, 2019 7:30 pm Saturday


Topi Ki Daastan is based on a famous and popular Hindi novel Topi Shukla, written in the early sixties by Dr. Rahi Masoom Raza. It has been adapted by Wings Cultural Society in the ‘Dastaan Narration Form’. Through storytelling we have tried to recreate the turbulence between ‘ Topi’ and ‘Iffan’, the main characters, they are childhood friends who have grown up in an independent cultural environment before the great divide that was the result of the creation of the two nations. The entire scenario is created through dialogues in the truest format. This “Dastaan” is an attempt to reinvent those feelings of fear and horror between the two main communities which were affected. It revolves around TOPI who is an embodiment of chaos in the post independent era. The “Dastaan” highlights the circumstances of two nations existing within the one nation. Topi a Hindu by faith questions the formation of Pakistan and is a mirror image of the mindset of his times,which also becomes a reflection of the present day scenario.


2.0 hrs

May 07, 2019 7:30 pm Tuesday

Movie Screening – Pather Panchali by Satyajit Ray

Pather Panchali is Ray’s debut film, and the first film of his ‘The Apu Triology’

The time is early twentieth century, a remote village in Bengal.The film deals with a Brahmin family, a priest – Harihar, his wife Sarbajaya, daughter Durga, and his aged cousin Indir Thakrun – struggling to make both ends meet.

Pather Panchali has a universal humanist appeal. Though the film deals with the grim struggle for survival by a poor family, it has no trace melodrama. What is projected in stead is the respect for human dignity.

The sequences of Apu and elder sister Durga, exploring their little world and sharing secrets are most remarkable aspect of the film. These include the scenes of – discovery of train by Durga and Apu in field of white Kash flowers, the candy seller sequence, and Indir Thakrun’s death.

The film develops its characters and the atmosphere slowly and resolutely. The narrative builds up to a powerful climax as we begin to empathise with the characters.



Marathi Play by PL Deshpande

Marathi Play by PL Deshpande

May 05, 2019 7:30 pm Sunday

On the occasion of Birth Centenary of renowned Marathi writer P L Deshpande “Sahitya Katta Neredmet” pays tribute to him by performing his one of the hilarious Marathi.

Gardabhandam & Abbey Emleydu

Gardabhandam & Abbey Emleydu
1.5 hrs

May 04, 2019 7:30 pm Saturday


Samahaara Theatre Co-operative presents

A double bill of two Telugu Comedies

Tanikella Bharini’s “GARDABHANDAM” & S. Partha Saradhi’s “ABBEY EMLEYDU”

Directed by Rathna Shekar

Date: 04th May 2019 Time: 7:30pm Venue: Lamakaan, Hyderabad.


Written by eminent playwright, actor, director Shri.Tanikella Bharani, Gardabhandam ( Donkey’s egg) is a rib tickling political satire that talks about inherited political power. The play is mix of fictional mythology and contemporary social issues. Come grab your seats and enjoy the fun.


Abbe emleydu is a hilarious farce written by Shri. Shankaramanchi Partha Saradhi. A laid back husband, a forgetful wife and a deaf servant. To this mix add a colorful boss who has an exciting plan for the weekend with his subordinates, two strangers who walk into the house for a free meal and a missing ring. What happens when all these colourful characters meet in a situation like this ? Lets find out.

Climate Samvad Greenpeace India

Climate Samvad Greenpeace India
2.0 hrs

May 03, 2019 7:30 pm Friday


Greenpeace India invites you to be part of Climate Samvad, an initiative to address the issue of climate change, and how YOU can play a crucial role in mitigating it

Climate Change Impacts are already worsening. The United Nations Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) landmark report SR15 warns we have only 12 years to limit climate change catastrophe.

CLIMATE SAMVAD or Climate Dialogue are series of 11 public events being organized by Greenpeace India across the country.

Come, be the part of Climate Samvad and understand from the speakers the gravity of the issue. Your importance and role in this movement. Beyond dialogue, it is a step towards a sustainable future. It is step towards #ClimateActionNow Check our website, for more details

Siyasi Muslims – Book Release

Siyasi Muslims – Book Release
1.0 hrs

May 02, 2019 5:00 pm  Muslims Thursday.

Siyasi A Story of Political Islams in India Overview :- How do we make sense of the Muslims of India? Do they form a political community? Does the imagined conflict between Islam and modernity affect the Muslims’ political behaviour in this country? Are Muslim religious institutions-mosques and madrasas-directly involved in politics? Do they instruct the community to vote strategically in all elections? What are ‘Muslim issues’? Is it only about triple talaq? Are Muslims truly nationalists? Or do they continue to remain just an ‘other’ in India? While these questions intrigue us, we seldom debate to find pragmatic answers to these queries. Examining the everydayness of Muslims in contemporary India, Hilal Ahmed offers an evocative story of politics and Islam in India, which goes beyond the given narratives of Muslim victimhood and Islamic separation.

Hilal Ahmed is Associate Professor and works on political Islam, Muslim modernities/ representation, and politics of symbols in South Asia. His book Muslim Political Discourse in Postcolonial India: Monuments, Memory, Contestation (Routledge 2014), looks at these thematic concerns to make sense of the nature of contemporary Muslim political discourse.

Hilal Ahmed’s SIYASI MUSLIMS by Penguin will be released by
A K Khan, Advisor to Government of Telangana
Moderator: Mir Ayoob Ali Khan .
All are welcome!!


Nartana independent film

Nartana independent film
2.0 hrs

April 27, 2019 7:30 pm Saturday


Nartana An Independent film Introduction Narthana is a one hour independent film directed by Varun sena Reddy, portrays the struggle of a 12 year old girl Narthana (named after dance) blossoming into a beautiful dancer. The major theme of the movie is to glorify Indian Classical Dance that is slowly degenerating and to allow every dancer understand that dance is nobody’s property; it is an ocean of nectar for everybody to drink from. Cast, Crew & Support Directed by: Varun Sena Reddy Produced by: Sandhya Pavan Story: Pavan Chegomma Music by: suresh prasad Cinematography : Sudhakar.A Edited by.Vekanteswarlu K Running Time: 59 min Language: Telugu Casting: Kalakrishna, Jamuna Rayalu, Pavan, Priyanka Bharde & Sree Nartana Film dedicated through: Vagdevi Arts Academy, Hyderabad Film production and release Supported by: Department of Language & Culture, Telangana Government Plot: The plot of the story revolves around a young girl named Narthana who is the daughter of a famous dancer parents, called Shiva Shankar & Padmini. Father, who himself is dancer affects his daughter’s creativity and interest in dancing by constantly deriding her desire to dance and become proficient in it. The girl, however, thrives in the dance form when she has to stay with her maternal grandparents for six months while her parents are away. Her grandfather Kala krishna who was once her father’s Guru (disowned by her father due to disagreement in beliefs about dance) trains her into a gracious dancer par excellence. It is finally proved that any genuine quality of Fine Arts like Dance is never under ownership of only a few…

Pavan kumar . chegomma

Pavan Kumar is a promising Indian classical dancer of Perini Shivatandavam, Ardhanaareshwaram and Andhra Natyam, ancient classical dance forms of Telangana and Andhra Pradesh. He learnt these dance forms for more than 20 years and exhibits good command over technique as well as abhinaya. He is also well versed with the theory of dance and successfully completed “Diploma in Classical Dance”. Pavan Kumar started learning Andhra Natyam at a young age of 6, from renowned Andhra Natyam exponent, Guru, Scholar and musicologist, Dr. Nataraja Rama Krishna. Coming from a traditional Brahmin family from remote village in Telangana, it wasnt easy to learn classical dance, especially in a generation where Dance was not a male hobby or learning art. Its for his dedication and grit Pavan shifted to Hyderabad and learnt dane from Guru Nataraja Ramakrishna. Everyday he used to travel long distances to reach the dance school. Guru Nataraja Ramakrishna was impressed with his dedication and skill and took him into his able guidance. Pavan is one of the close disciples of Guru Nataraja Ramakrishna and learnt the 2 dance forms Perini, Andhra Natyam in Guru shishya parampara. Looking at Pavans progression both in learning and performances, Guru Nataraja Ramakrishna conceptualised a unique dance item Ardhanaareeshwaram perfect combination of male and female principles of life. The concept was given shape and form by Guru Kala Krishna and was taught to Pavan. Pavan started performing this dance form for past 15 years and has won laurels from art lovers, common man all over the world.